Ellos cookiepolitik

En cookie er en tekstfil, som det websted, du besøger, anmoder om at gemme på din enhed, og som gør det muligt at identificere dig som besøgende på en hjemmeside. "Enhed" refererer til den computer, tablet, smartphone eller anden enhed, som du bruger til at besøge vores hjemmeside. Oplysningerne i visse cookies kan bruges til at spore din browsing på websteder, der bruger den samme cookie, og derved kan f.eks. de tilbud, der vises, tilpasses til dig. I denne cookiepolitik henviser "cookie" også til andre teknologier med samme funktion som cookies.

Der findes to forskellige typer cookies. Den ene type er mere permanent og gemmer en tekstfil i længere tid på din computer. Denne type cookie har en bestemt udløbsdato og bruges f.eks. til funktioner, der fortæller dig, hvad der er nyt, siden du sidst besøgte den pågældende hjemmeside. Når udløbsdatoen for den aktuelle cookie er overskredet, slettes den fra din computer, når du igen besøger hjemmesiden, der placerede cookien på din computer.

Den anden type cookie er mere kortvarig (såkaldte session cookies) og gemmes midlertidigt på din enhed, mens du besøger en hjemmeside. Denne type cookie bruges f.eks. til at holde styr på, hvilket sprog du har valgt for den aktuelle hjemmeside, og den forsvinder, når du lukker din browser.

For at vi kan placere cookies på din enhed, kræves det, at du giver dit samtykke. Cookies, som er nødvendige for at levere tjenester, som du udtrykkeligt har anmodet om, eller som er nødvendige for, at hjemmesiden kan fungere, placerer vi dog uden dit samtykke. Hvis du accepterer vores brug af cookies, vil du have adgang til alle funktioner på vores hjemmeside og webshop, som kræver brug af cookies. Du kan til enhver tid trække dit samtykke tilbage. Under "Sådan deaktiverer du cookies" kan du læse mere om, hvordan du deaktiverer cookies, som du ikke længere giver samtykke til.

Du vælger selv, hvilke cookies du giver samtykke til, første gang du besøger vores hjemmeside. Men du har altid mulighed for at opdatere dine samtykker her.

Vi bruger følgende kategorier af cookies:

Nødvendige cookies er de cookies, som er nødvendige for at hjemmesiden fungerer korrekt. Uden disse cookies fungerer grundlæggende funktioner som sidenavigation og login ikke. Disse cookies placerer vi uden dit samtykke.

Analyse & statistik er cookies, som vi bruger til analyseformål for at se, hvilke sider der besøges, f.eks. for at lære mere om, hvordan vi kan tilpasse vores hjemmeside, så den bliver mere brugervenlig..

Personalisering er cookies, der indsamler oplysninger om, hvordan du bruger vores hjemmeside, din købshistorik og andre identifikatorer for at give dig en bedre oplevelse på vores hjemmeside, der er skræddersyet til dine præferencer. Det betyder, at du kan få vist personlige kampagner og tilbud tilpasset efter hvilke produkter, du kan lide.

Markedsføring er cookies, der bruges til at vise annoncer og tilbud, som vi tror, du kan være interesseret i, og som er tilpasset efter dine præferencer. Vi videregiver visse dele af sådanne oplysninger til de reklame- og analysevirksomheder, som vi samarbejder med, som har mulighed for at bruge dem til at tilpasse og forbedre deres tjenester.

Fuldstændig information om hvilke cookies vi bruger, kilden de kommer fra, formålene de bruges til og hvor længe de gemmes, kan findes nedenfor under overskriften "Hvilke typer cookies bruger vi og til hvilke formål?"

Gennem indstillingerne på vores hjemmeside kan du altid opdatere dine samtykker, se ovenfor under overskriften "Dit samtykke til vores brug af cookies".

Du kan indstille din computer til ikke at modtage alle typer cookies, og du kan også trække et tidligere givet samtykke til brugen af cookies tilbage ved at ændre indstillinger for cookies i din browser. Det kan du gøre ved at følge instruktionerne til din specifikke browser eller ved at bruge automatiske værktøjer til at deaktivere cookies, som f.eks. YourOnlineChoices.eu - Dine valg. Du kan også indstille din computers browser, så du får en advarsel, hver gang hjemmesiden forsøger at placere en cookie på din computer. Du kan også slette cookies via indstillingerne i din browser.

Hvis du bruger en computer, kan cookie-indstillingerne normalt ændres via indstillingerne i din browser. Hvis du bruger en tablet, kan du normalt gøre dette ved at ændre indstillingerne i styresystemet, og hvis du bruger en smartphone, kan du normalt gøre dette ved at ændre indstillingerne på smartphonen eller i smartphone-browseren. Hvis din browser eller firewall på computeren er indstillet til at afvise brugen af cookies, kan du i stedet kontakte vores kundeservice.

Nogle cookies, der bruges til markedsføringsformål på vores hjemmeside, kan placeres af eller deles med tredjepartsorganisationer, f.eks. for at spore hjemmesidens ydeevne og aktivere tilpassede annoncer. Cookies fra tredjepartsorganisationer kan også anvendes til formål, som de pågældende bestemmer.

Bemærk, at denne cookiepolitik ikke gælder for disse tredjepartsorganisationers behandling af de oplysninger, der indsamles via cookies, som vi placerer med dit samtykke. Ellos er ikke ansvarlig for behandling af data udført af tredjepartsorganisationer. Du kan få mere at vide om tredjepartsorganisationers håndtering af cookies og behandling af data ved at læse tredjepartsorganisationernes respektive privatlivsoplysninger.

Vi anvender cookies fra følgende tredjepartsorganisationer:

• Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google"), som tilbyder det webbaserede analyseværktøj Google Analytics. Find Google's Policy here.

• META er verdens største sociale netværksplatform baseret i USA. ("Facebook/Instagram/WhatsApp") Find Meta's Policy here.

• BING (Microsoft Corporation) er en digital annonceringsplatform baseret i USA. Dette er en cookie, der bruges af Microsoft Bing Ads og er en sporingscookie. Den giver os mulighed for at vise relevante annoncer til brugere, der tidligere har besøgt vores hjemmeside. Find Microsoft Bing Policy here

• Impact Tech Inc – Denne cookie gemmer en værdi for brugere, som kan spores til deres klik for at spore et salg til annoncøren. Find Impact’s Policy here.

• Criteo SA – Denne cookie gemmer en værdi for brugere, som kan spores til deres klik for at spore et salg til annoncøren. Find Criteo’s Policy here.

Denne politik vedrørende cookies kan ændre sig over tid. Vi opfordrer dig derfor til at besøge denne side med jævne mellemrum. Større ændringer i denne politik vil blive meddelt på en passende måde.

Nødvendige cookies. De cookies, der er nævnt nedenfor, er nødvendige for at hjemmesiden fungerer korrekt. Uden disse cookies fungerer grundlæggende funktioner som sidenavigation og login til din brugerkonto ikke. Disse cookies kræver ikke, at du som bruger giver samtykke.

Personalisering. De cookies, der nævnens nedenfor, indeholder oplysninger om, hvordan du bruger vores hjemmeside, din købshistorik og andre identifikatorer for at give dig en bedre oplevelse på vores hjemmeside, der er skræddersyet til dine præferencer. Det betyder, at du kan få vist personlige kampagner og tilbud tilpasset efter hvilke produkter, du kan lide.

Analyse & statistikVi bruger nedenstående cookies til at analysere, hvordan du som besøgende bruger vores hjemmeside for at lære mere om, hvordan vi kan tilpasse vores hjemmeside for at gøre den mere brugervenlig. Analytiske cookies bruges bl.a. til at identificere, hvilke sider på hjemmesiden der er mest populære, og til at se, hvordan besøgende bevæger sig mellem sider på hjemmesiden. De kan også bruges til at vise dig annoncer og tilbud, som vi mener vil være af interesse for dig, og som er skræddersyet til dine præferencer, baseret på din tidligere brug af hjemmesiden.

Markedsføring. Disse cookies bruges til at vise annoncer og tilbud, som vi tror, du kan være interesseret i, og som er tilpasset efter dine præferencer. Vi videregiver visse dele af sådanne oplysninger til de annoncører og analysevirksomheder, som vi samarbejder med, som har mulighed for at bruge dem til at tilpasse og forbedre deres tjenester.

Cookie source Cookie Description
Google Doubleclick cto_lwid These cookies help us to show you the ads that we think you would me most interested in. They track the content you view on the site and how you interact with the ads.
Adobe Analytics extgvo These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics s_ev66 These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics s_cc These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics s_sq These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics gpv_pn These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics s_visit These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics s_tbm These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics s_fid These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_adobe_mcid These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_analyticsaccount These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_businessgroup These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_currency These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_customernumber These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_is_production_site These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_landing_page These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_loggedin These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_lt_pages_viewed These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_pages_viewed These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_session_count These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_tp_awinaccount These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_tp_criteoaccount These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_tp_hashedemail These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_traffic_source These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Experience Cloud AMCVS_ These cookies help us coordinate your experience between our Adobe-based solutions.
Adobe Experience Cloud AMCV_ These cookies help us coordinate your experience between our Adobe-based solutions.
Adobe Target mbox Helps us deliver an optimal shopping experience by showing you the products we think are most relevant for you.
Bazaarvoice BVBRANDID These cookies improve your product review experience by remembering your details so you don't have to write them again for you next review.
Bazaarvoice BVBRANDSID These cookies improve your product review experience by remembering your details so you don't have to write them again for you next review.
Bazaarvoice BVImplmain_site These cookies improve your product review experience by remembering your details so you don't have to write them again for you next review.
bing.com MUIDB Helps us deliver ads relevant to you on Bing by keeping track of what you show interest in.
bing.com MUID Helps us deliver ads relevant to you on Bing by keeping track of what you show interest in.
Criteo.com uid These cookies help us deliver ads that are relevant to you on the web.
Criteo.com eid These cookies help us deliver ads that are relevant to you on the web.
Criteo.com criteo_write_test These cookies help us deliver ads that are relevant to you on the web.
Demdex.net (Adobe) dpm These cookies help us analyse the behaviours of groups of people on the site so we can deliver the best possible experience.
Demdex.net (Adobe) IDE These cookies help us analyse the behaviours of groups of people on the site so we can deliver the best possible experience.
Demdex.net (Adobe) demdex These cookies help us analyse the behaviours of groups of people on the site so we can deliver the best possible experience.
Doubleclick.net IDE These cookies help us to show you the ads that we think you would me most interested in. They track the content you view on the site and how you interact with the ads.
Doubleclick.net DSID These cookies help us to show you the ads that we think you would me most interested in. They track the content you view on the site and how you interact with the ads.
Dynatrace dtCookie Helps us monitor and optimize the performance of our software and hardware.
Everesttech.net (Adobe) ev_sync_dd These cookies help us deliver a user experience better suited to you.
Everesttech.net (Adobe) everest_session_v2 These cookies help us deliver a user experience better suited to you.
Everesttech.net (Adobe) everest_g_v2 These cookies help us deliver a user experience better suited to you.
Facebook.com fr Helps us deliver ads personalised to you on Facebook.
Facebook.com _fbp Helps us deliver ads personalised to you on Facebook.
Google Analytics _gat_UA-16531570-10 These cookies help us keep track of the amount of visitors to our site and the kind of content they are interested in.
Google Analytics _gat_UA-16531570-15 These cookies help us keep track of the amount of visitors to our site and the kind of content they are interested in.
Google Analytics _ga These cookies help us keep track of the amount of visitors to our site and the kind of content they are interested in.
Google Analytics _gid These cookies help us keep track of the amount of visitors to our site and the kind of content they are interested in.
Google DV These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google CONSENT These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google 1P_JAR These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google AID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google ANID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google NID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google APISID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google SAPISID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google HSID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google SIDCC These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google SSID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google SID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google _gcl_au These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Humany Humany__parameters Helps us deliver a customized online customer service.
Humany Humany__clientId Helps us deliver a customized online customer service.
Ellos SecureSessionID- These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving some of the choices you make.
Ellos UserPayment These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving some of the choices you make.
Ellos sid These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving some of the choices you make.
Ellos pgid- These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving some of the choices you make.
Ellos SecureSessionID- These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving some of the choices you make.
Ellos EllosRememberMeCookie These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving some of the choices you make.
Ellos userId These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving some of the choices you make.
Ellos CookieAlertDisplayed These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving some of the choices you make.
Ellos PREFERREDAREA These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving some of the choices you make.
Ellos check These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving some of the choices you make.
Ellos _aw_m_ These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving some of the choices you make.
Microsoft Bing _uetsid Helps us deliver ads relevant to you on Bing by keeping track of what you show interest in.
Tealeaf TLTSID Helps us track and identify user struggles in the site experience by monitoring activity.
VWO A/B testing solution _vwo_uuid_v2 Helps us perform A/B tests on our site so that we can provide the best possible experience to you.
Adobe Experience Cloud AMCV_ These cookies help us coordinate your experience between our Adobe-based solutions.
Adobe Experience Cloud AMCVS_ These cookies help us coordinate your experience between our Adobe-based solutions.